Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All About Claims Newsletter March 2011

The Colorado Division of Workers Compensation has just released a new newsletter. In it you can read the comments of former Judge Jaynes who recently passed away. There is also something on the DIME (Division Independent Medical Exam) process. The newsletter approach is a good one and would be even better if it were a regular feature. Giving us a glimpse inside the state agency makes it rather unique. Being able to just talk about things in a very informal way is helpful. It puts a face on what we sometimes see as bureaucratic when actually it is human. Many good people do their best in this field. The field itself may need much improvement but those who work in it have not been the problem. In fact looking back on the many years I have been doing it I have to acknowledge that the people at the Division and those handling hearings have been, for the most part, very decent and intelligent people. They are decent because they are respectful of others even when they must follow the rules. They are intelligent in doing their best to be fair and legally accurate in what is often a very complex field. Most of them and most who practice in this area believe they are making a difference as do I. Having said that I should add that some adjusters and employers do not play fair at all. Yet dealing with them can be difficult but also very rewarding when done right.

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