Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Larson's National Workers Comp Advisory Board

I have just been invited to become a member of Larson's National Workers Compensation Advisory Board. This is maintained by LexisNexis a very large legal publisher. I do appreciate the invitation and accepted. So from time to time I'll provide information to them on Colorado workers comp matters. Larson's Workers Compensation Law is historically the major publication and source of knowledge in this field. With the internet much is now moving onto the web. For example I do my legal research using Westlaw which maintains a searchable database of legal materials. In the old days we had to search through digests and state law books followed by "shepardizing" cases just to verify the decided issue was still good law. Now we can do all this and more in less time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WorkCompCentral.com also offers a very goo database of case decisions specific to workers' compensation.