Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Time Limits all over the place

The Colorado Division of Workers Compensation at its website gives us a list of most of the time limits in the field. Yet others are not posted. For example if you file a motion or the other side files a motion it will have a time limit to respond. In any event here is the link to the time limits posted at the Division site. It is one reason that claimants seeking all they are entitled to should have representation. Another reason is that on average an experienced attorney significantly increases your benefits. Your attorney will take the case on a contingency basis of 20% but will simply deal with all the deadlines and all the legal hassles. He'll also get you ready when that is needed and give you a heads-up on most that is going on. He will negotiate for you and add in to the calculations thousands you might miss. But most of all he is there to protect your interests.

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