Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Colorado Labor Market Services

Anyone hurt on the job or just with many health problems often is faced with worries. Aside from workers compensation or Social Security disability they often have to deal with seeking work or changing occupations. I have already provided an earlier link to the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. If you cannot return to your job most know they may be eligible for unemployment benefits after they reach maximum medical improvement (but don't delay on this and get going within 30 days). Yep...if you were laid off and received workers comp benefits you may still get unemployment afterwards if you act promptly. But aside from this many seem at a loss as to what to do besides just find work on their own. Well here is a link to the state site that may interest you. It even has career services information. Click here to go there and then look around there for helpful information. Apparently they let you know what is available in your areas of interest. They even have where you can try to figure out what are your career interests. Anyone losing a trade or job due to injury or health may want to see what else might look worthwhile. Explore the site. I noticed even the listing specific available jobs. Check it out.

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