Monday, June 10, 2013

Colorado Legislative Update 2013

Colorado posted an update for recent workers comp legislation at the Division website. With respect to the specific statutory legislation that was also posted by the Division. You are encouraged to read the updates. I shall not discuss all of them but one is significant regarding a DIME (Division Independent Medical Examination). It used to be the insurer had 30 days from the mailing of the DIME report to accept it and admit based on it or to apply for a hearing. The time frame is reduced to 20 days but it is from when the Division issues a Notice of Receipt of the report. Another new provision provides that the insurer must pay for reasonable and necessary medical expenses when the claim is later found compensable. I'd say that means they will pay if they contest the claim but it goes against them. Perhaps that will help when you seek treatment on a contested case if you later have it determined to be compensable. Previously if you sought treatment even if you won at hearing they'd say they did not owe for any treatment up to then because it was unauthorized. Also another new law requires they recalculate your benefits within 15 days from the date a fringe benefit like health coverage is terminated by notice. Another key provision concerns what we used to call an 18 month DIME. That now is 24 months and if MMI is determined that doctor can rate the impairment like a regular DIME. There is more but these are significant enough to draw to your attention. UPDATE: The Division issued an alert for adjusters on the new requirements which affect all DIMEs. Check it out here.

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